Monday, May 13, 2013

Readers' Theater

As we finished up our unit on fables, fairy tales, and role playing, we enjoyed performing some Readers' Theater.  We used some of Aesop's Fables to practice our reading fluency.  The kids practiced their lines and then gave an informal performance for the class.

Here are some pictures from our informal performance:

Click here to learn more about Readers' Theater.

Thank you!!

Thank you to everyone who made my Teacher Appreciation Week so special.  I enjoyed the little surprises that they gave me each morning.  The affirmations, pictures, writing, flowers and treats were very thoughtful and kind.  The kids were just as excited as I was to read all of them each morning.  I am very lucky to have a chance to work with your amazing children every day.  Thank you for all of your support!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Last Book Order of the Year

Be on the look out for the last book order of the year, coming home tomorrow.  Now is a great time to stock up on books for summer reading!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Field Trip - Thursday, May 9

We will go on a field trip this Thursday to the middle school to watch the dress rehearsal for the play, The Little Mermaid.  We will leave HES at 12:00 and return at 2:00.  We will have a normal lunch that day (buy or bring from home as you normally would) except we will eat a little earlier at 11:30.


There is no cost for the trip, and we do not need chaperones for this one.

Famous Americans Show

The show was a huge success!  The children did a wonderful job singing their songs and saying their lines.  Thank you for all your help with the costumes, they all looked fantastic.  A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Goodison and Mrs. Hoddinott for helping with the costumes and getting ready for the performance.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Art Show

Mr. Granucci needs help.  If you are available the morning of Monday, May 6, and can come in to help hang the art show, please contact Mr. Granucci.  There is also a form in the school newsletter that will go home today that you can fill out and send in indicating that you are available.  I  look forward to my first HES Art Show!

Famous Americans Presentation

We had our dress rehearsal yesterday for our Famous Americans Presentation.  The kids all did a wonderful job, and are ready for the big show this Friday.  We look forward to seeing you on Friday at 1:45 in the all purpose room.