Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Math Update

Centimeters, inches, feet, meters, yards - we will use them all!  Our new math unit is on measuring and graphing.  We are learning about the different units of measurements and how to decide which unit is the best one to use when measuring an object.  The kids really enjoy the hands on activities that have them moving around and measuring different object in the room. 

Some activities to try at home:
  • Have your child come up with a list of things that they would measure for each unit of measurement listed above.
  • Practice measuring different object in the house using a ruler (I have extra rulers if you would like to borrow one).
  • Make a scavenger hunt.  Have your child look for something that is a specific measurement.  Example:  Look for something that is 6 cm long, something that is 9 inches long, something that is 2 feet wide, etc.

**Try to have your child estimate the measurement before they measure.**

Here are some books about measurment:
The King's Foot
Twelve Snails to one Lizard
How Big is a Foot?
Measuring Penny

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